Drakengard 3 mikhail human
Drakengard 3 mikhail human


Locking on to an enemy didn’t help the camera angle situation either. The weak combat was bad enough but camera angles that prevented me from seeing any of the action was even worse. There is a block button but I never really used it since dodging was more effective. The weapons offer up a large number of combos to use but I found myself doing a basic normal attack x3 + special attack combo with some careful dodging for most of the game. To the game’s credit, each weapon does feel different but that doesn’t help much. Zero eventually gets four weapons to use: Sword, Spear, Chakram and Gauntlets. Even after taking down big enemies I never felt a sense of satisfaction… just a sense of relief that it was over. This is nice but even then it didn’t add the visceral feel that I would like when fighting and killing so many foes. She wears all white and gets soaked in blood during battles. Zero can slice through most enemies like butter so the majority of them never really presented much of a challenge. Drakengard 3 falls into the Dynasty Warriors camp unfortunately.īattling even large numbers of foes just isn’t as thrilling as it should be.


Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden are prime examples of how to do the genre right. While I’m not a fan of most hack n slashers, most notably anything from the Dynasty Warriors series, that isn’t to say that I think the entire genre is a wash. This confusion would continue as I progressed.īefore I get into the characters and story, I want to talk about the actual game itself. Introductions to games are supposed to hook us in but this one confused me more than anything. Zero’s goal is to kill her Intoner sisters in order to gain their power. Sigh… this is exactly what I feared and from that point onward things never really picked up.īefore I gained control of the main character named Zero, a beautifully crafted CG intro (Square-Enix still excels at these) told of a world ruled by women called Intoners who came to power after they helped saved it with the power of their songs. Then I started to attack and killed every one of my enemies in seconds. I’m not exactly a fan of the genre because of how shallow and repetitive it can be but I held out hope that this wouldn’t be as bad as some others. Yes sir, this was indeed a hack n slash game.

drakengard 3 mikhail human

Sure enough as soon as the main game began I was faced with about 15 guys who all had lifebars over their heads and who were all charging at me. “Action RPG that isn’t mainstream, eh? I bet this is a hack n slash game,” I said to myself as I did a bit of research for this review.

drakengard 3 mikhail human

Despite my relative-excuse me-complete ignorance of these games, I was quickly able to guess what type of experience I would be getting myself into with Drakengard 3 judging from the product description.


The Drakengard series is one of those franchises that I’ve never heard of even though it has been around for about ten years.

Drakengard 3 mikhail human